Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Influence Of Hollywood Film Industry

It's amazing the amount of influence that Hollywood is in a position in our society, culture and civilization of the practice, and perhaps, as the old saying: "Art imitates life" is quite true. The other day I was talking about a successful young actor in Hollywood. And not only a gifted writer but also a deep thinker and academic, research his career.

He said that although he is an actor who prefers to create a positive influence on the content of the film industry and set the share of industry that is trying to preserve their power use has problems. "Why not, Hollywood has been elected president and changed the course of the history of the United States, more than once.

So I said, "I do not think that the fault that Hollywood can do much to influence society - if done well  ... but the production of entertainment," you see, the strike force in Hollywood more than one company, or In many cases, the companies around the world. Maybe it seems that Hollywood has its own players in a way.

In fact, many people turn to Hollywood for programs, things, and realize the many celebrities that you use for other reasons to believe in what they think, influence? So my question to my well-known actor was: "Make it up with his showmanship and anything with it?" If you will - of many Hollywood votes to Obama, now helped some, like Matt Damon have decided that Obama should not be reelected.

When President Obama comes from Southern California, has no choice but the West Side, where all the Hollywood mogul, talent and moves and shakes to visit. And Hollywood has been very active in fundraising for social causes, not only here but all over the world, the Sumatran earthquake and the earthquake in Indonesia and the earthquake and the tragedy in Haiti for a Web site a few. The influence of Hollywood in all of Tibet World Economic Forum in Davos.

Hollywood actresses and celebrities adopting children from African countries as well, and distributed his wealth and his passions all over the world. Not only because they must try to not touch it, but also because of his celebrity gives them a platform with a megaphone to do great things when you are ready to use. You may not like the politics of Hollywood, God knows, sometimes not, but you will agree, a force that is expected and a huge amount of influence. So think about it.


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